

Nas cavernas do Hellgate há um biblioteca com um NPC chamado "A Wrinkled Beholder". Todos os livros são escritos em uma linguagem chamada "469" que consistem inteiramente de números. O beholder diz as seguintes respostas para várias palavras-chave:

Jogador: Hi
A Wrinkled Beholder: What is this? An optically challenged entity called Jogador. How fascinating!

Jogador: Numbers
A Wrinkled Beholder: Numbers are essential. They are the secret behind the scenes. If you are a master of mathematics you are a master over life and death.

Jogador: Books
A Wrinkled Beholder: Our books are written in 469, of course you can't understand them.

Jogador: 469
A Wrinkled Beholder: The language of my kind. Superior to any other language and only to be spoken by entities with enough eyes to blink it.

Jogador: Tibia
A Wrinkled Beholder: It's 1, not 'Tibia', silly.

Jogador: Name
A Wrinkled Beholder: I am 486486 and NOT 'Blinky' as some people called me ... before they died.

Jogador: Excalibug
A Wrinkled Beholder: Only inferior species need weapons.

Jogador: Cyclops
A Wrinkled Beholder: Uglyness incarnate. One eye! Imagine that! Horrible!

Jogador: Elves
A Wrinkled Beholder: These fools and their superstitious life cult don't understand anything of importance.

Jogador: Orcs
A Wrinkled Beholder: Noisy pests.

Jogador: Minotaurs
A Wrinkled Beholder: Their mages are so close to the truth. Closer then they know and closer then it's good for them.

Jogador: Humans
A Wrinkled Beholder: Good tools to work with ... After their death, that is.

Jogador: Death
A Wrinkled Beholder: Yes, yes, I will kill you soon enough, now let me continue my investigation on you.

Jogador: Library
A Wrinkled Beholder: It's a fine library, isn't it?

Jogador: Gods
A Wrinkled Beholder: They will mourn the day they abandoned us.

Jogador: Job
A Wrinkled Beholder: I am the great librarian.

Jogador: Ab'Dendriel
A Wrinkled Beholder: I heard that elves moved in upstairs.

Jogador: Bye
A Wrinkled Beholder: Wait right there. I will eat you after writing down what I found out.
